Vue.js is a great and trending framework. If you followed my first article Vue.js Getting Started you have touched already how it is simple to scaffold and start developping a front end application with rich HTML and styling.

In this second chapter on Vue.js we will discuss the routing capability.


You can scaffold a new app to test Vue router or use one you already have:

vue create my-project && cd my-project #keep default settings, especially Vue 2
npm install vue-router --save
npm run serve

Set up you App for Routing

Create a file router/index.js in your project

import Vue from 'vue';
import Router from 'vue-router';
import HomePage from '../home/HomePage.vue';
import FirstComponent from '../home/FirstComponent.vue';


export default new Router(
    routes: [
        path: '/',
        name: 'Home',
        component: HomePage,
        path: '/first',
        name: 'First',
        component: FirstComponent,

in App.vue add the <router-view> tag and remove any reference to existing component; you will serve any component leveraging the routing

      <router-view />

Finally in main.js reference the Router

import Vue from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'
import router from './router'; // here is the import of the router

Vue.config.productionTip = false

new Vue({
  render: h => h(App),
  router, // here is the use of the router

Now you can run your app and it will already route to the home page of your application.

Time now to enrich a tad our routes in router/index.js

export default new Router(
    routes: [
        path: '/',
        name: 'Home',
        component: HomePage,
        path: '/first',
        name: 'First',
        component: FirstComponent,
        path: '/second/:id',
        name: 'Second',
        component: SecondComponent,
        path: '/third',
        name: 'Third',
        component: ThirdComponent,
        props: true,

One can navigate from one page to another with <router-link> path as follows

<div class="get-started">
  <router-link to="/first">Go to First Component using its path</router-link>

The same can be achieved programatically

  • using the route path
<button @click="goTo()">Go to programatically</button>
goTo: function(){
  • passing parameters
<button  @click="goToWithParams()">Go to Second Component programatically with params</button>
goToWithParams: function(){
		name: 'Second', 
		params: {
			id: 2, 

that you can capture

computed: {
    luckyNumber() {
      return this.$;
  • passing props
goToWithProps: function(){
		name: 'Third', 
		params: {
			callerMessage: "Message from Home", 
			callerId: "3", 

that you can capture

computed: {
	propsMessage() {
		const {callerMessage, callerId} = this;
		return callerMessage + " - " + callerId;
<router-link :to="{name: 'Home'}" exact>>
	<img class="logo" src="./assets/logo.png"/>Home

using css class

.router-link-active {
  color: orchid;

Nested Views

Finally you may want to have a display area that is replaced depending your navigation while keeping the overall layout: this is what nested views are for. You will simply insert another <router-view> component. For instance if you are on a page BrowseViews you reached via the usual routing, you can define children pages that you can be displayed within an insert depending on your click on /innerView1 or /innerView2 links.

  <div class="content">
        <h1>Browse Views</h1>
        <router-link to="/innerView1">Nice - Negresco</router-link> |
        <router-link to="/innerView2">NIce - Vielle ville</router-link>
      <router-view></router-view> <!-- only the content here will be replaced -->

export default {
  name: "BrowseViews",

<style scoped>
.content {
  display: flex;
  justify-content: center;

You can define the above links and the corresponding views for, e.g.:

    <h1>Nice - Negresco</h1>
    <img src="../assets/nice_negresco.jpg"/>

export default {
  name: 'InnerView1',

And to activate this routing configure your routing as follows:

export default new Router(
    routes: [
        path: '/',
        name: 'Home',
        component: HomePage,
        path: '/browse',
        name: 'BrowseViews',
        component: BrowseViews,
        children: [
            path: '/innerView1',
            name: 'InnerView1',
            component: InnerView1,
            path: '/innerView2',
            name: 'InnerView2',
            component: InnerView2,